#2 Mar 2- Introduction to Translation Studies

#2 Munday, Intro. & Ch. 1; ‘The Name and Nature of Translation
Studies by James S. Holms in Venuti (2000/2004): 180-192.

13 意見:

699250068 何明憲 提到...

看完這篇文章,才了解到原來翻譯能研究的面相其實也是蠻廣泛的,而不是我所認識的那般狹隘,而如作者所言,翻譯所牽涉到相關不少的學門,也接枝其他領域的研究(如語言學、文學研究,乃至資訊理論、數學),要建立完整理論體系,將是件繁雜且浩大的工程,而對於翻譯這門學問的輪廓(contours),目前也並未有一個共同的定見,因而造成意見交流溝通管道的缺乏,所以翻譯相關的論文散見於其他學門的期刊中,作者認為這是翻譯形成一門專業學問所要克服的障礙(所幸目前看來,專門致力於翻譯研究的期刊已逐漸蓬勃發展)。另外的兩個障礙則是學門名稱(designation)之選定與界定翻譯研究的範疇,我頗能認同作者選擇translation studies的解釋理由,畢竟相較於其他歷史悠久又體系完善之學科,翻譯仍屬於茁壯期而已,仍有諸多問題待釐清,或許還稱不上是science,而使用theory又和翻譯本質上存在許多非理論建構性質的研究有所相左,例如論文中的提及的描述翻譯學派就屬此類。看這篇論文我最大的收穫在於對於翻譯的形貌有更深層的認識,原來翻譯可以衍伸出許多研究分支,諸如翻譯社會學、翻譯心理學。還在純理論建構方面,目前的研究雖然仍屬片段性(partial),但我想如作者所言,一步步慢慢拼奏,翻譯理論體系這塊大拼圖也會越來越完整的,不管是從medium、area、rank、text-type、time、problem等方面切入都好。除了兩大主要分支外,應用翻譯研究這塊園地,其實也需要更多人投入灌溉,因為翻譯教學、翻譯批評和翻譯支援工具其實也是培養翻譯研究者和工作者勢必會觸及到的層面。

匿名 提到...

699250020 莊曄年

699250252 何光煒 提到...

This article should prove extremely exciting for anybody interested in theory and research. Although written over three decades ago, it is still a testament to the newness of translation studies, establishing the frontiers of today's discipline so that tomorrow's scholars can push them further. We, as students of translation studies, are able--and in fact encouraged by Holmes--to draw from a large number of relevant fields, including psychology, education, literature studies, linguistics, sociology, and others.

Holmes makes an interesting point in that while translation theory has a good corpus of research on specific ("partial translation") topics, there is little in the area of general theory. It seems that natural instinct of someone in any given academic field is to pursue a narrow and precise topic, but what a nascent translation studies needs is general theory to unite the field and create certain standards. This however is a challenge, to a certain extent, as the “translation studies” groups together a lot of partial translation theories which can be contradictory with one another. These restricted theories can be separated into (1) medium-restricted, (2) area-restricted, (3) rank-restricted, (4) text-type restricted, (5) time-restricted, or (6) problem restricted. The problem is that any research that does not fall into these categories can easily be romanced away by the appeal of other, more well-established fields of study, and this is especially the case in areas where the boundaries of translation studies are not well defined. Holmes seems to lament this at the beginning of the article, stating that studies on translation at the time were spread across various journals in related fields.

The most interesting point raised by Holmes is the idea of translation policy: that translation scholars have the ability and the right to define the place in society that translators, translating, and translations should hold. Applied translation and translation metatheory seem to be areas primed for growth as translation studies becomes a more prominent field and translations become more recognized by people outside of academia. Students of translation studies should be enthused by the potential to help drive an entire discipline as it develops.

699250032 柯宗佑 提到...

在本篇論文中,Holmes 以學者及譯者的角度,梳理翻譯學門應有的架構。由正名出發,進一步細分子領域,提出此學門尚待開發的向度。






Miranda Wang 提到...

Miranda Wang





沈耿立 提到...

翻譯研究不能稱作科學? 沈耿立

James S. Holmes 在 The Name and Nature of Translation Studies 一文中提到,他不贊同將翻譯研究的這一學門稱作「科學」(2.2),就如同文學研究等人文學科。我認為這是一個自我貶抑或自我限制的定義。


在我大學時代修習政治學時,我們面臨的第一道申論題就是「政治學political science是否為科學 “science”?」,當時我們討論了 Thomas Kuhn在The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1996)一書中所標榜的「科學」的四大要件,這些條件在自然和社會科學中都有相當的共識,雖然在翻譯學界可能還尚未成熟,可是我認為在幾十年後是有相當可能可以滿足這些條件的:
1.Central concepts, which identify and name crucial phenomena (specifically)
2.Theories, which are sets of systematically related generalizations that provide explanations and predictions about the linkage between certain concepts
3.Rules of interpretations, which indicate the methods that will establish whether the explanations and predictions posited by the theory are right or wrong.
4.A list of questions or issue that are worth solving within the area of inquiry.

匿名 提到...







AliceLin 提到...

699250094 林佳禾

本篇文章清楚地將翻譯研究的理論歸類,點出翻譯研究在當時的發展,也畫出此一領域的藍圖,為之後的學者提供了比較完整的研究方向。二戰後,翻譯從身為各領域研究的附庸,獨立為一門新興學科,在其領域的名稱與研究範圍都難以斷然定義,各方也沒有定見,因為翻譯牽涉的層面甚廣,不僅限於文學,甚至可擴及文化研究、社會學和心理學的範疇,幾乎所有學科,都能與翻譯產生連結,但其本身架構又不若傳統科學學門一樣自成體系,可見翻譯研究建立之困難,卻也可知翻譯研究旁支之龐雜浩大,以及本身兼容並蓄的特質。作者在文章中也提到,翻譯研究的理論基礎仍然薄弱,雖然有眾多的專門理論(partial theory),適用特定狀況下發生的翻譯現象,卻缺少能夠符合普遍現象的general theory。直至今日,許多翻譯研究的論文切入點仍是以作者提出的六大類為主。儘管可能失之偏頗,無法成為概略性的普遍理論,但若無這些片段的研究為基礎,恐怕也難以描繪出普遍理論的輪廓。文末,作者亦對應用翻譯研究的部分稍作介紹,包括翻譯教學、輔助、翻譯政策(translation policy)和翻譯批評等。其中翻譯政策的部分,著眼於譯者與翻譯在社會上應該佔有何種地位,我認為此一方向相當重要,因其關係到翻譯要如何從其他領域的附屬,提升為一項獨立的專業,特別是讓翻譯不再只是外語教學的工具。最後,作者表示翻譯研究的三大分支必須相互依存,不可偏廢,如此才能發展出健全的翻譯研究體系與理論基礎,以及找出最適用於翻譯學的研究方法。

699250264 Hanna Wywiol (衛華) 提到...

699250264 Hanna Wywiol (衛華):
James Holmes在The Name and Nature of Translation Studies這篇文章對往來的翻譯理論作了一個完整的整理,先探討翻譯如何進入學科之路,命名問題,再描述翻譯理論,特別是DTS和ThTS分別。
討論到翻譯實務Holmes從翻譯教學開始,說以前翻譯為外語教學法一種。我自己上大學的中文課也上過這樣的課程:老師的要求是把中文短篇小説裏的文字逐字譯成百分百正確的波蘭語:都難聽、文法不順、 詞彙搭配奇怪。但是,這種練習到現在都有,我在想,是不是這種語逐字翻譯言教學方式讓學生對翻譯有一種錯覺?就翻譯在外語教學的用途,我認爲是兩者之間差異太大了,翻譯不適合拿來當語言學習的一種。
對我而言,Holmes最精彩的點就是譯者的社會地位。許多譯者好像以自己的行業為榮,但是沒有收到外界的重視。Holmes的論點是translator scholar是一個有權力指定譯者社會地位的人,但是這一點跟實施的情況好像有落差。

weeder 提到...



首先,是字詞的問題: Explicitation、explication、disciplinary utopia、”~ology”、”~stics”、meta-reflection、counter-theme、cross-temporal translation、meta-theoretical、meta-discussion。

p.1 為什麼發展新的研究方法會讓研究者和原本的同儕產生tension?
p.3 “the map is not the territory” 所指為何?
p.4 “it is difficult to derive an adjectival form.” Adjectival form是什麼? 為什麼?
P.6 how can something be less felicitous but more accurate, in this case, socio-translation?
p.7 “the scholar may strive after economy,”?
p.8 為什麼用restricted 一字? As mediun-restricted.
p.11 為什麼需要一個policy 來決定 “what works need to be translated in a given socio-cultural situation” ?


譬如,搜尋explicitation定義時看到大大的標題 “explicitation in translation”,並有Anthony Pym討論該字的論文,在Venuti書中也有7頁提到該字。此外我對作者使用 “disciplinary utopia” 一詞很好奇,前兩頁就出現3次,當然我們可以從字面想像其意,但為什麼Holms要這樣說呢? 翻開Venuti一書,會發現utopianism列在index中。到底它們的定義解釋為何,可容後再談,但有趣的是,這些乍看 “平常”的字在翻譯研究中已有了新的身分和意義,它們不僅被學科內的人用來解釋翻譯現象,建構翻譯理論和方法,也成為學科外的人了解翻譯研究所必需,一個新興學科於焉建立。

新的學科像一片新大陸,拓荒的學者們需要 “語言” 來解釋和該學科相關的概念及解決問題,為了溝通和因應需要,於是要再對既有的名詞加以闡述定義,這中間不免賦予新義,而且其語彙將日趨龐大複雜。而我們若要登門入室,參與溝通,亦要學習該學科的 “語言”才得以進入這個新世界。

在此我發現自己不僅英文程度有限,對西方的學術傳統亦不甚了了,唸文章如果照著 “英譯中”的模式來讀,不免誤讀漏讀之憾。學科之間語詞的轉換也像翻譯一般微妙,身為翻譯所學生,倍感翻譯之無所不在。

最後一個問題是,Holms 描繪的這幅翻譯研究的輪廓及內容,如此完善並條理分明,和其他已有傳統、歷史的西方學科模式十分相符,但也因為這麼類似又理所當然,不禁要問就是這樣了嗎? 此外希望能進一步知道自1972文章發表至今,Holms提出的翻譯研究範圍和題目,和現今學界的發展有何出入。

Caleigh 提到...

699250056 張袁甄

看完本文有一種自己踏進翻譯理論一小小步的感覺,但真的也只是一小步。以前從來沒有想過翻譯會有什麼理論,更別提整個學科的命名、派別及研究中可能會遇到的瓶頸。讀完本篇我最感興趣、目前也最能引起我共鳴的是Process-oriented DTS。Holmes形容其為「process or act of translation itself」,也就是重視翻譯時的過程。

上了一學期所上的課,時常有機會在課堂上比較及討論同學的翻譯。討論時,我發現在翻譯時,大家可能會同時對原文或是如何翻譯有同樣的苦惱,但最後卻選擇了不同的字彙、解讀方式或是翻譯方法。這其中譯者的思考過程及抉擇非常有趣也耐人尋味,我試著用段末的translation psychology或是psycho-translation兩個詞在網路上查詢,卻似乎沒有相符的結果。不知道是這樣的理論尚未有較完整的發展,或是在研究中遇到了什麼樣的困難而停擺,抑或是其實已有相似的研究、只是命名不同了呢?

Process-oriented DTS是目前我較有興趣的一環,畢竟我只有過一些翻譯的經驗,對於理論則是初次接觸,我認為這樣的研究應有助於譯者的翻譯過程。若往後課堂上能有機會稍作討論,讓我們將理論應用到實務上,相信對於本理論及翻譯實務都將頗有助益。

匿名 提到...

699250276 馬里奧 1-1

The first time I read this article (five or six years ago) I had almost no idea of what “translation studies” meant. However, after reading Holmes’ article The Name and Nature of Translation Studies, one should be able to understand the “translation studies” as a whole, with its own features and, of course, limits.

Holmes’ aim is to delimit the field of translation studies and make a clear division between translation and other fields of study, such as philology or linguistics. As he states, “a greater impediment than the lack of a generally accepted name in the way of the development of translation studies is the lack of any general consensus as to the scope and structure of the discipline. What constitutes the field of translation studies?” That is the central question of this article and the one Holmes tries to answer. He called for an evolving theory based on practical, descriptive study of translations and proposed that the establishment of a genealogy of translation practice be given priority. This map has circulated in many publications, but, curiously, the published version of Holmes’ original article does not actually contain it in diagram form. I am not going to focus on the explanation of the map itself, but on the impact of Holmes’ theory throughout the history of translation theory.


699250276 馬里奧

The first time I read this article (five or six years ago) I had almost no idea of what “translation studies” meant. However, after reading Holmes’ article The Name and Nature of Translation Studies, one should be able to understand the “translation studies” as a whole, with its own features and, of course, limits.

Holmes’ aim is to delimit the field of translation studies and make a clear division between translation and other fields of study, such as philology or linguistics. As he states, “a greater impediment than the lack of a generally accepted name in the way of the development of translation studies is the lack of any general consensus as to the scope and structure of the discipline. What constitutes the field of translation studies?” That is the central question of this article and the one Holmes tries to answer. He called for an evolving theory based on practical, descriptive study of translations and proposed that the establishment of a genealogy of translation practice be given priority. This map has circulated in many publications, but, curiously, the published version of Holmes’ original article does not actually contain it in diagram form. I am not going to focus on the explanation of the map itself, but on the impact of Holmes’ theory throughout the history of translation theory.

Even though the initial call for translation studies to become a separate subject in its own right was thanks to James Holmes, I may agree with Anthony Pym when he stressed the absence of historical research on Holmes’ map. It is true that Holmes already mentioned at the end of his article both historical and methodological dimensions of translation studies, but he did not develop them at all. Moreover, “a number of recent research tendencies in Translation Studies focus explicitly on the translator in some way, rather than on translation as texts” (Andrew Chesterman, ( Holmes’ article was written in August 1972 and even though it is a reference work for any student of translation studies in almost every part of the world, few central aspects of contemporary translation studies, such as culture, cognition or sociology, are, in my opinion, not covered enough.

The growth of translation studies since the 1980s can be seen in the number of associations, journals and publications devoted to this discipline. Nowadays, there is a growing interest not only in practical translation courses, but also in theoretical aspects of translation, thanks to Holmes and other scholars of the 20th century.
