#12 On Describing Translation” by J. Lambert & H. van Gorp in Hermans’ The Manipulation of Literature (1985): 42-53.
Jose Lambert與Hendrik van Gorp 為描述他們筆下「複雜且隨時變動的」翻譯現象而劃定一套假設性藍圖,要求研究者在比較原文文學系統與譯語文學系統時,必須客觀描述兩方的作者、文本和讀者,具體而微地勾勒彼此之間錯縱複雜的關係。傳統譯論建立在二元對立、忠實等效、語言分析等面向原文文學系統的論說就此被束之高閣。取而代之的,是描述連結原文與譯文文本、文學系統與社會歷史文化語境之間的臍帶,幫助研究者找出通用的描述性規範或規則(norms and rules),以解釋或預測翻譯行為。描述翻譯研究(DTS)最大的貢獻之一,乃將翻譯過程中涉及的大部分因素(作者自己也承認不可能竟全貌)大鍋炒似地通通檢視一番,翻譯研究的視野於焉從內而外地無限延伸出去,以免流於過分直覺(intuitive)或過度簡化(reductionism)。作者認為,透過系統理論分析得出的翻譯規則「終將與其他規則,最好是與整套(譯語)系統有所連結」。這樣,在比較原文與譯文的時候才看得出較為全面且宏觀的系統運作痕跡。針對這一點,他們提出了幾個有趣的問題,是我從沒想過的,譬如:一、譯者是否能意識到規則規範的存在,並提出自己的理論觀點?如果有,該理論與實際翻譯有無扞格之處?跟別的譯者所持觀點又有甚麼不同?我寧願相信大部分的譯者多半具備某種傾向,有些很清楚自己的立場,甚至願意挺身捍衛之,道安撰寫的佛經譯序即為一例。但也許有更多譯者是身在此山中卻渾然不覺,你要他梳理規限自己的規範與實作之間的千絲萬縷,怕是剪不斷,理還亂。從形式主義的文學視角觀之,文學規則與規範本來就是拿來打破的,難道翻譯規範亦然?如果是,那麼翻譯與原作之間的從屬關係將不復存。一件作品在不同譯者的詮釋之下很可能呈現南轅北轍的面貌,翻譯是否就在這過程中取得了權力?該權力是否能凌駕原作在譯語文學中獨自發聲?就現在的情況來看,答案似乎是肯定的。二、譯者如果也從事創作,那麼譯作跟創作比起來,何者較具新意?假如我們搭時光機回去請教五四時代的譯界前輩,不論是意識形態上追求自由解放的新文化運動大將(譬如翻譯了美國國歌的陳獨秀,後為中共元老之一),或者推崇「古希臘文學正統」,擁護文言文的智識貴族(如學衡派的吳宓),我們得到的印象,很可能是譯作品質與影響力遠遠超出創作。但是稍晚的張愛玲。這位40年代的小說奇葩儘管被目為中國現代文學史上的一顆彗星,她在翻譯上的成就同樣燦爛奪目,主要分為美國文學中譯、吳語小說英譯和自己作品的中英互譯。然而現代讀者恐怕鮮少有人記得譯筆雄奇的《老人與海》是出自張氏之手。她最令人低迴不已的,不是《傾城之戀》就是《半生緣》等中長篇小說創作。究竟是什麼理由讓我們記得某些人而忽略掉另一些人的的譯作?假定一個人的才華不變,為什麼文學啟發會在創作與翻譯之間造生如此巨大的落差呢?也許多元系統論可以稍稍回答這些問題吧。
What really interests me about Lambert and van Gorp's approach is that it offers an analytical model that can be applied by students of translation. Put more precisely, it seems possible to use their analysis to train translators to be conscious of some of the more important factors (socio-cultural, historical, cross-systemic, etc.) that influence the decisions they make, in much the same way as translators are trained to learn the linguistic and semiotic nuances of words and language by a discussion of translations they and others have made. By paying attention to the importance of meta-linguistic considerations of the different backgrounds of the ST and TT and their respective readerships, Lambert and van Gorp have made it possible to describe the translation process in a way that can be of real value to the translator.
The wider scope of the theory allows us to consider things that we might not usually think of as being "related" in translations in a different light. In answer to 希華's question about the "connectedness" of internal narrative, chapter titles, division of the text, etc.: I think they are put at the macro-level because they do much of the work of situating the ST and TT in both their native (cultural) environments and in literary systems. Conventions governing text types will often dictate what a writer has to do to produce, say, a sonnet or an essay in a magazine. What kind of titles are appropriate in both cultures (consider the difference between the titles of English books and their Chinese translations)? Does the presence of an internal narrative change the style of an essay to the point where the target audience will change (how formal or self-referential are such works allowed to be?)? Does the division of a text into sections, chapters, or fragments alter the way the text is perceived in ST or TT cultures (think about the books we're reading in 賴慈雲老師's class, and compare them to prose works that are much more formulaic and linear, like the 水滸傳)? Questions like these all influence the way a text is received in either the ST or TT cultures, and have an effect on other texts of the same type in the ST, to say nothing of the translation into the TT. Questions like these essentially lay the ground work for description of an individual text, so they belong on the macro-level rather than the micro-level.
As for the odd parings of T2---A1 and T2---R1, I think they both have to do with a comparison of the role or function of the ST and TT in their respective cultures. To take T2 (the translation) and compare it to A1 (the author's intention, however much we can know about it) allows us to see whether the text is fulfilling the same function in the TT as it does in the ST (where the author's intention has a major role in shaping the way her texts can be received). Similarly, To take T2 and compare it with R1 asks whether T2 is having a similar or different effect upon its readers as the ST original had on its readers. Comparisons like these are another way of describing a translation's role or function. Although A1 and R1 may never see T2, by considering their potential reactions to T2, the translator can get a better sense of what kind of text she wants to produce and what role she hopes it will play in the TT.
翻譯研究逐漸走向描述型研究,讀著,卻突然恍惚,不知道descriptive和prescriptive的分野在哪了。不過多虧希樺短短的解釋(DTS偏向歸納、PTS偏向演繹),總算又把我拉回正軌。從上周討論,便了解到DTS無可避免地還是含有PTS的成分,這周閱讀中,進一步討論DTS的內容,說明在分析翻譯時,要如何把來源系統和目標系統中諸多參數放在一塊交互比較,這些參數之間的關係交織作用下,便會影響譯者的翻譯策略,最終影響翻譯成品(譯文)。大家都說這個理論相當「寬容」,我想一點也沒錯吧,相較於以往讀到的理論,多半想用一套論述囊括所有譯文,Lambert&Gorp理論則是採用一分析架構來描述不同譯文中觀察到的現象,從priorities of relations探討equivalence,而且還包容譯文中出現acceptable/adequate不等程度的影響,的確很符合"descriptive"的出發點,但又同時具有其他理論的功能,能幫助譯者/學者從宏觀和微觀角度分析翻譯。 不過,Kinra提到的風險也是我心中暗想的風險,這種「1+1≠2」的架構規模真的很大,加入作者、讀者、乃至整個文化系統等因素,要完整分析下來,光是想像就很棘手,對我這個初學者來說,便會產生某種抗拒感(大概只有我吧......)。此外,我也有另一個疑問:這樣的架構固然完整,但從譯文角度來說,每個譯文真的都有如此完整的考量嗎?Kinra很愛舉課堂作業作為例子,不過在此也滿適用的。我認為課堂上的翻譯練習,最主要的目的就是要讓意義表達清楚,讓讀者明白(T2-R2關係)、還有習慣不同文類的翻譯方式(T1-T2),至於更多其他關係,可能就不在關注範圍內。如此看來,我覺得似乎並不是所有譯文都值得那麼全面的分析。欸,但我自己回過頭來想想,或者應該說,每篇譯文都能作全面的分析,只是並非每種參數間的關係都會有分析結果,是這樣嗎?(這樣解釋的話,的確就如同Lambert&Gorp自己所言,"it is a theoretical and hypothetical scheme"了。)
8 意見:
Jose Lambert與Hendrik van Gorp 為描述他們筆下「複雜且隨時變動的」翻譯現象而劃定一套假設性藍圖,要求研究者在比較原文文學系統與譯語文學系統時,必須客觀描述兩方的作者、文本和讀者,具體而微地勾勒彼此之間錯縱複雜的關係。傳統譯論建立在二元對立、忠實等效、語言分析等面向原文文學系統的論說就此被束之高閣。取而代之的,是描述連結原文與譯文文本、文學系統與社會歷史文化語境之間的臍帶,幫助研究者找出通用的描述性規範或規則(norms and rules),以解釋或預測翻譯行為。描述翻譯研究(DTS)最大的貢獻之一,乃將翻譯過程中涉及的大部分因素(作者自己也承認不可能竟全貌)大鍋炒似地通通檢視一番,翻譯研究的視野於焉從內而外地無限延伸出去,以免流於過分直覺(intuitive)或過度簡化(reductionism)。作者認為,透過系統理論分析得出的翻譯規則「終將與其他規則,最好是與整套(譯語)系統有所連結」。這樣,在比較原文與譯文的時候才看得出較為全面且宏觀的系統運作痕跡。針對這一點,他們提出了幾個有趣的問題,是我從沒想過的,譬如:一、譯者是否能意識到規則規範的存在,並提出自己的理論觀點?如果有,該理論與實際翻譯有無扞格之處?跟別的譯者所持觀點又有甚麼不同?我寧願相信大部分的譯者多半具備某種傾向,有些很清楚自己的立場,甚至願意挺身捍衛之,道安撰寫的佛經譯序即為一例。但也許有更多譯者是身在此山中卻渾然不覺,你要他梳理規限自己的規範與實作之間的千絲萬縷,怕是剪不斷,理還亂。從形式主義的文學視角觀之,文學規則與規範本來就是拿來打破的,難道翻譯規範亦然?如果是,那麼翻譯與原作之間的從屬關係將不復存。一件作品在不同譯者的詮釋之下很可能呈現南轅北轍的面貌,翻譯是否就在這過程中取得了權力?該權力是否能凌駕原作在譯語文學中獨自發聲?就現在的情況來看,答案似乎是肯定的。二、譯者如果也從事創作,那麼譯作跟創作比起來,何者較具新意?假如我們搭時光機回去請教五四時代的譯界前輩,不論是意識形態上追求自由解放的新文化運動大將(譬如翻譯了美國國歌的陳獨秀,後為中共元老之一),或者推崇「古希臘文學正統」,擁護文言文的智識貴族(如學衡派的吳宓),我們得到的印象,很可能是譯作品質與影響力遠遠超出創作。但是稍晚的張愛玲。這位40年代的小說奇葩儘管被目為中國現代文學史上的一顆彗星,她在翻譯上的成就同樣燦爛奪目,主要分為美國文學中譯、吳語小說英譯和自己作品的中英互譯。然而現代讀者恐怕鮮少有人記得譯筆雄奇的《老人與海》是出自張氏之手。她最令人低迴不已的,不是《傾城之戀》就是《半生緣》等中長篇小說創作。究竟是什麼理由讓我們記得某些人而忽略掉另一些人的的譯作?假定一個人的才華不變,為什麼文學啟發會在創作與翻譯之間造生如此巨大的落差呢?也許多元系統論可以稍稍回答這些問題吧。
描述翻譯研究(DTS)有如「歸納法」,而傳統的規範性研究則比較接近「演繹法」。前者分析譯文的各方因素,試圖找出通用的規範與模型;後者則一開始就界定規範,並以此做為譯文忠實/好壞與否的判準。明哲學長形容得很生動,描述翻譯研究「將翻譯過程中涉及的大部分因素大鍋炒似地通通檢視一番」。值得注意的是,Lambert和van Gorp並沒有完全揚棄規範性研究常見的ST/TT比較,他們認為文本分析可以作為描述翻譯研究的一環,但只以ST為依歸還不夠,必須同等重視SL與TL,也就是要找出彼此的關聯。
我還滿喜歡Lambert與van Gorp提出的四個面向:(1) preliminary data; (2) macro-level; (3) micro-level; (4) systemic context,只是對於他們所區分的macro-level與micro-level有些疑問:micro-level比較好懂,就是語言層次的分析(如語音、構詞、句法等),但macro-level所分析的內容好像不夠「宏觀」,既然強調翻譯與整個(文學)系統的關聯,光就division of the text、title of papers、internal narrative structure等,真的可以看出其關聯性嗎?
另外一個問題是,第44頁下面提到,就acceptable translation而言,根據T2-T1、T2-A1、T2-R1的關係,可歸納出不同特性,而adequate translation與acceptable translation並不能截然二分。T2與T1做比較還可以想像,但為什麼會把T2與A1、R1拿來比較呢?如果A1與R1並不懂T2,那麼T2對於A1與R1而言,有任何意義嗎?
Lambert與van Gorp在這篇文章提到,翻譯批評(translation criticism, p. 45)也可納入描述翻譯研究的主題之一,翻譯批評在台灣似乎尚未開展,在google上找到的資料筆數與其他主題相較,少了很多,不過我們的翻譯活動如此繁盛,應該要大力推廣翻譯批評才是,想必可提升整體翻譯品質。
看Lambert & Gorp的這篇《On describing translations》,頗有娓娓道來的論述風格,平易近人地讓人不覺在讀理論。當我看著他們所提假定體系的說明時,不自覺地開始挑剔著說是不專指文學系統,但目的還是要找出目標文化與源始文化間文學系統的關係,突然間發現了自己這樣的心態,實在不適合來看揮著「寬容」大旗的描述翻譯研究,隨即停止挑剔,好好享用此篇很像當年那撞針式印表機打出的文章。
“On Describing Translations” 這篇文章中,Jose Lambert和Hendrik van Gorp提出”假設系統”來描述翻譯,撇除了任何先入為主的定義和概念評估,而是將此體系建立在翻譯現象的基本變數上(原語與目標語系統兩方的作者、文本、以及讀者)。描述翻譯時,需要檢視ST與TT系統文化間的關聯,不能只看文本或是單一變數,必須納入翻譯規範、模型、以及ST與TT雙方的多元系統。由於所有翻譯都是兩系統間變數互動的結果,所以也不能用目標導向或是原語導向的二分法來加以論斷,如作者在文中所說,一個在宏觀層次下偏向原語導向(adequate)的譯本,可能也在微觀層次下或多或少偏向原語導向,但不可能在所有細分的層次下都是adequate的,反之,目標導向(acceptable)的譯本亦然。脫離了傳統規範翻譯理論,DTS以宏觀且寬容的視角來研究翻譯,檢視兩個系統間各個變數的關係。
What really interests me about Lambert and van Gorp's approach is that it offers an analytical model that can be applied by students of translation. Put more precisely, it seems possible to use their analysis to train translators to be conscious of some of the more important factors (socio-cultural, historical, cross-systemic, etc.) that influence the decisions they make, in much the same way as translators are trained to learn the linguistic and semiotic nuances of words and language by a discussion of translations they and others have made. By paying attention to the importance of meta-linguistic considerations of the different backgrounds of the ST and TT and their respective readerships, Lambert and van Gorp have made it possible to describe the translation process in a way that can be of real value to the translator.
The wider scope of the theory allows us to consider things that we might not usually think of as being "related" in translations in a different light. In answer to 希華's question about the "connectedness" of internal narrative, chapter titles, division of the text, etc.: I think they are put at the macro-level because they do much of the work of situating the ST and TT in both their native (cultural) environments and in literary systems. Conventions governing text types will often dictate what a writer has to do to produce, say, a sonnet or an essay in a magazine. What kind of titles are appropriate in both cultures (consider the difference between the titles of English books and their Chinese translations)? Does the presence of an internal narrative change the style of an essay to the point where the target audience will change (how formal or self-referential are such works allowed to be?)? Does the division of a text into sections, chapters, or fragments alter the way the text is perceived in ST or TT cultures (think about the books we're reading in 賴慈雲老師's class, and compare them to prose works that are much more formulaic and linear, like the 水滸傳)? Questions like these all influence the way a text is received in either the ST or TT cultures, and have an effect on other texts of the same type in the ST, to say nothing of the translation into the TT. Questions like these essentially lay the ground work for description of an individual text, so they belong on the macro-level rather than the micro-level.
As for the odd parings of T2---A1 and T2---R1, I think they both have to do with a comparison of the role or function of the ST and TT in their respective cultures. To take T2 (the translation) and compare it to A1 (the author's intention, however much we can know about it) allows us to see whether the text is fulfilling the same function in the TT as it does in the ST (where the author's intention has a major role in shaping the way her texts can be received). Similarly, To take T2 and compare it with R1 asks whether T2 is having a similar or different effect upon its readers as the ST original had on its readers. Comparisons like these are another way of describing a translation's role or function. Although A1 and R1 may never see T2, by considering their potential reactions to T2, the translator can get a better sense of what kind of text she wants to produce and what role she hopes it will play in the TT.
Lambert & Van Gorp這一篇真的非常詳細、具體、清楚,我想我以後要做譯文分析的時候肯定得拿這篇文章出來參考。
不過他們這套理論在實作上恐怕有個風險:規模太大了。他們認為比較的對象可以限於單一ST-TT組合,但是這樣的分析應該是System 1-System 2對照分析的一部份,也就是說完整的研究計畫應該要分析更多更多的ST-TT組合;即使只分析單一ST-TT組合,也包含了雙方的作者、文本、讀者等層面,許多必須先宏觀假設再微觀檢驗的聯繫關係。可以想見,對所有ST-TT組合都做這種分析是非常划不來的,因此Lambert & Van Gorp討論的對象僅限於文學。(一天產生幾千篇的資訊類文本,大概只值得用傳統的規範性方法迅速檢驗。例如我們科技翻譯課的作業,老師只給自己半天時間批閱全班的譯文……)然而即使是文學,終究還是只有一部分的作品有足夠的吸引力,讓研究者願意付出時間與心力做這麼大規模的分析。如此一來,最終得到的「translated norms」會否變成「translated norms governing the "worthy" texts」?
P.S. Amy妳不要逼我!(喂)
翻譯研究逐漸走向描述型研究,讀著,卻突然恍惚,不知道descriptive和prescriptive的分野在哪了。不過多虧希樺短短的解釋(DTS偏向歸納、PTS偏向演繹),總算又把我拉回正軌。從上周討論,便了解到DTS無可避免地還是含有PTS的成分,這周閱讀中,進一步討論DTS的內容,說明在分析翻譯時,要如何把來源系統和目標系統中諸多參數放在一塊交互比較,這些參數之間的關係交織作用下,便會影響譯者的翻譯策略,最終影響翻譯成品(譯文)。大家都說這個理論相當「寬容」,我想一點也沒錯吧,相較於以往讀到的理論,多半想用一套論述囊括所有譯文,Lambert&Gorp理論則是採用一分析架構來描述不同譯文中觀察到的現象,從priorities of relations探討equivalence,而且還包容譯文中出現acceptable/adequate不等程度的影響,的確很符合"descriptive"的出發點,但又同時具有其他理論的功能,能幫助譯者/學者從宏觀和微觀角度分析翻譯。
不過,Kinra提到的風險也是我心中暗想的風險,這種「1+1≠2」的架構規模真的很大,加入作者、讀者、乃至整個文化系統等因素,要完整分析下來,光是想像就很棘手,對我這個初學者來說,便會產生某種抗拒感(大概只有我吧......)。此外,我也有另一個疑問:這樣的架構固然完整,但從譯文角度來說,每個譯文真的都有如此完整的考量嗎?Kinra很愛舉課堂作業作為例子,不過在此也滿適用的。我認為課堂上的翻譯練習,最主要的目的就是要讓意義表達清楚,讓讀者明白(T2-R2關係)、還有習慣不同文類的翻譯方式(T1-T2),至於更多其他關係,可能就不在關注範圍內。如此看來,我覺得似乎並不是所有譯文都值得那麼全面的分析。欸,但我自己回過頭來想想,或者應該說,每篇譯文都能作全面的分析,只是並非每種參數間的關係都會有分析結果,是這樣嗎?(這樣解釋的話,的確就如同Lambert&Gorp自己所言,"it is a theoretical and hypothetical scheme"了。)