# 13 Dec 9 - Translation and Globalization

#13 Anthony Pym, “Globalization and the Politics of Translation Studies”, Meta 51/4, 2006. 744-757.

5 意見:

Ron 提到...


Unknown 提到...

This week’s article is interesting for the description that Pym offers with regard to translation’s varying function across two different aspects of globalisation, namely production and distribution. Once again, Pym shows that he is, unlike many other scholars we have read this semester, able to concentrate his optimism in real world possibilities instead of unrealistic worlds of fantasy and fiction — Mike Featherstone’s proposed library model for the distribution of knowledge in the post-human age, for example. Moreover, instead of giving over to a sort of aimless despair, as other scholars seem to have done — Masao Miyoshi’s somewhat hopeless “when” and “how” of the last lines of “Globalization, Culture, and the University”, for example, in the face of the rapid globalisation — read “corruption” — of facets of academia, Pym has not only offered a clear description of the path we should take as politically responsible academics but also begun, himself, to tread forward upon that path. Pym’s decision to boycott the International Association of Translation and Intercultural Studies, for example, is a clear indication of “when” and “how” he sees response to certain unsavoury kinds of globalisation taking place. Pym’s discussion of localization and the one-to-many geometry of globalized distribution offers the reader an opportunity to reflect upon his or her own views, training, and experience as they pertain to translation. We might ask, then, in our department, for example, how much of our training/education is informed by this idea of localization?

Unknown 提到...

Pym 所討論的全球化,指的是「因為科技進步而減少溝通成本」的結果,一方面使得英語成為通用語,但一方面也使全球更需要翻譯。而其中便牽扯各種政治力量及議題。
文章分「科技」和「政治」兩大段落。「科技」一段指出,對翻譯而言,全球化並沒有絕對的好壞,而只是改變了翻譯運作的情境(747)。為求國際化的多語版本,反而促成在地化(localization),而譯界對在地化還一直沒有深入加以討論 (750)。而在英語成為通用語的現況下,譯入與譯出英語的意義其實完全不同,也還可以繼續思考。
由此,Pym 將議題帶入「政治」段落,開始談「帝國」、「機構/協會」和「杯葛」的主題。全球化情境下,更需要細查跨文化領域者的立場和行動依據,如果要講翻譯研究者是「我們」,這個「我們」該如何行動(752)。「帝國」指的是歐美兩大系統,歐洲走後現代合作路線,美國則堅持現代路線;前者需要提升效率,後者需要更考慮不同的文化面向(753)。「機構/協會」則認為翻譯議題有全球特質,但又需要考量在地情景,因此應有全球性的機構,但實際作業還是要著重地方(755)。最後講到「杯葛」則是討論學術界是否應抵制惡棍國家的學者和大學。對Pym而言,這完全違反翻譯研究的本義,但或許也可以再引起對本質原則的反思。
[Pym 的文章在2003年原是致加拿大翻譯研究學會「翻譯和全球化」研討會文章,幾經改版才定稿刊於 Meta, vol. 51, no. 4, 2006, p.744-757,以上頁碼以Meta 為準。]

Eveline 提到...

這篇文章看來像是一種對翻譯學者的政治呼籲。文中指出翻譯學界經過了30年的發展,卻未發展出一種global level與global unity。為此,他提出to act politically,為學界指出一個教務實的思考方向。首先,他提到的localization一對多語在地化的翻譯方向讓我想起Mary Snell-Hornby 與Peter Newmark對於翻譯訓練走向的辯論。也讓我重新思考原先較偏向Peter Newmark的想法。翻譯作為一門學術,因為具備了跨學科的特色,所以也具有跨越疆域的潛力。因此,或許真的不應該用過去學門劃分的方式來思考翻譯研究的發展方向。此外,Anthony Pym對於national principle的批判也發人深省。就語種本身而言,目前的翻譯研究礙於熟悉語種的限制,的確還無法完全跳脫出nation的框架。但Pym以跨越這個框架勉勵所有的翻譯學者,讓從事的人不但可以關注比nation更小的群體,也應有一個比nation更遠更廣的視野。不過,在A boycott這段,我覺得他好像有暗示者一些事情,希望可以在上課的時後確認一下。此外,他的政治呼籲不知有無相關後續討論,討論出具體的做法,讓翻譯研究可以跳出Pym所呈現的national principle,走向更全球化的方向。

Craig 提到...

Anthony Pym discusses a politics of translation in a globalized world. From his EU perspective, he sees the central problem of Translation Studies today as reliance on old models in a new world; one that is composed of multiple centers of production and complex systems of distribution. Pym claims this arrangement as “apolitical,” and offers many opportunities as well as poses many challenges to Translation Studies. Details at 1:00...
