I think Butler's critique of Kristeva may be useful here in rethinking the Orientalism described by Chow in Bertoluucci's 1987 film and Kristeva's 1977 book. Specifically, Butler criticizes the essentialist/structuralist Lacanian position in Kristeva's project, namely that feminine power resides in subverting from the position of the pre-symbolic, and that women have an essential/physical claim to pre-symbolic territory due to maternal/procreative power and its inherent sensuality. Butler's view is that individuals are not necessarily bound to operate from symbolic/pre-symbolic positions based on sex, and therefore the power inherent in both of these orders (the pre-symbolic is vastly powerful, worthy of respect if not awe, and not necessarily feminine territory as Kristeva insists) is available to everyone. The point here is that confining individuals to specific modes of behavior based on constitution (sex, race, abled-ness, orientation, etc) is irrational, and while Lacan might have built his empire on 'objective' observations, all observations, even those in the name of science, are influenced by the subjectivity of the observer and her/his socio-historical context. Representations maintained by cultural normativity or institutionalized projects (Orientalism as well as other political/educational/cultural mechanisms) needn't be inscribed on an individual's will to power, or pleasure, or meaning, or self recognition.
Chow's two example representations of the Asian 'other' might better be thought of as artifacts rather than having any currency in 2009. The Belgian Kristeva and Italian Bertolucci lived much of their lives in a time when China was closed to the outside world, and therefore they projected fears and desires onto state-sponsored inscrutability. Although varying degrees of fault for Orientalism may be found on both sides, power inequality shifts most of the burden onto the West; it was through a dangerous combination of wealth and ignorance of basic humanity that these representations have been institutionalized. Happily, increasing East/West exchange has the potential to dispel fantasies we harbor about one another, and at the same time, heightened awareness of the human instinct to project onto strangers may help us check our impulses in the future. As for the film and book themselves, much like when we view pre-modern western art, we can appreciate aesthetic and technical mastery and view the outmoded politics as a testament to whatever progress may have been made.
另外,書中似乎也一再強調出二元對立的不可能,如新/舊的交雜(鴛鴦蝴蝶派的新v.s舊;五四文學的新/舊;既想要捨棄“舊”的女性化細節,又免不了細節的描述等);以及做為虐待狂/被虐狂的主體/客體之間的reflexity;男性與母親的認同與拒絕[m(other)];既是母親又是嬰兒的內在投射;Oedipus complex與negative Oedipus complex做為一體的兩面……這似乎也反射出性別的流動性?(e.g. the bisexuality of the baby before the Oedipus complex/symbolic order was imposed on it?)
5 意見:
I think Butler's critique of Kristeva may be useful here in rethinking the Orientalism described by Chow in Bertoluucci's 1987 film and Kristeva's 1977 book. Specifically, Butler criticizes the essentialist/structuralist Lacanian position in Kristeva's project, namely that feminine power resides in subverting from the position of the pre-symbolic, and that women have an essential/physical claim to pre-symbolic territory due to maternal/procreative power and its inherent sensuality. Butler's view is that individuals are not necessarily bound to operate from symbolic/pre-symbolic positions based on sex, and therefore the power inherent in both of these orders (the pre-symbolic is vastly powerful, worthy of respect if not awe, and not necessarily feminine territory as Kristeva insists) is available to everyone. The point here is that confining individuals to specific modes of behavior based on constitution (sex, race, abled-ness, orientation, etc) is irrational, and while Lacan might have built his empire on 'objective' observations, all observations, even those in the name of science, are influenced by the subjectivity of the observer and her/his socio-historical context. Representations maintained by cultural normativity or institutionalized projects (Orientalism as well as other political/educational/cultural mechanisms) needn't be inscribed on an individual's will to power, or pleasure, or meaning, or self recognition.
Chow's two example representations of the Asian 'other' might better be thought of as artifacts rather than having any currency in 2009. The Belgian Kristeva and Italian Bertolucci lived much of their lives in a time when China was closed to the outside world, and therefore they projected fears and desires onto state-sponsored inscrutability. Although varying degrees of fault for Orientalism may be found on both sides, power inequality shifts most of the burden onto the West; it was through a dangerous combination of wealth and ignorance of basic humanity that these representations have been institutionalized. Happily, increasing East/West exchange has the potential to dispel fantasies we harbor about one another, and at the same time, heightened awareness of the human instinct to project onto strangers may help us check our impulses in the future. As for the film and book themselves, much like when we view pre-modern western art, we can appreciate aesthetic and technical mastery and view the outmoded politics as a testament to whatever progress may have been made.
在本書裡,周蕾指出了中國現代文學裡對女性的關注,並加以問題化(problematic),由心理分析入手,非常耐人尋味。其結論為:中國婦女也就是中國飽受創傷的自我意識的替身。本書始於<末代皇帝>裡被女性化的中國/溥儀,以及鏡頭的凝視;ethnic reader如何認同鏡頭的凝視/電影裡的主體,以及其所處的不可修復/不可避免的“suture”位置。是否批判性的讀法只屬於菁英讀者?周蕾提到了此片在華人圈亦大受歡迎,也令我想起了<大紅燈籠高高掛>等一系列以女性為主角的電影(如<菊豆>、<芙蓉鎮>、<紅高梁>等)……這些和五西時代流行的文本似乎有異曲同工之妙;但到了近期的一系列刺秦電影(<英雄>,<秦頌>等),似乎反應出男導演的殺父慾望,及其必然的失敗,父權的再次恢復(參戴錦華《性別中國》)──這似乎也呼應著中國地位的提昇?似乎這百年間,中國從二十世紀前男性化的祖國,到被女性化的trope,最近又回復男性化的trope?性別/國家之間的關係,的確是很密切的。
另外,書中似乎也一再強調出二元對立的不可能,如新/舊的交雜(鴛鴦蝴蝶派的新v.s舊;五四文學的新/舊;既想要捨棄“舊”的女性化細節,又免不了細節的描述等);以及做為虐待狂/被虐狂的主體/客體之間的reflexity;男性與母親的認同與拒絕[m(other)];既是母親又是嬰兒的內在投射;Oedipus complex與negative Oedipus complex做為一體的兩面……這似乎也反射出性別的流動性?(e.g. the bisexuality of the baby before the Oedipus complex/symbolic order was imposed on it?)