國運昌隆慶虎年 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

花漾台北 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

虎彩繽紛樂 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

一牛復始 萬虎更新 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

2010鋼彈花博祭 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

蝶飛蜂舞 花香人間 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

如虎添翼 事事如意 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

「虎」福臨門,春暖花開 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

揚旗鼓虎 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

群虎弄花 慶佳節 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

承先啟後 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

虎年同慶 迎花博 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

花花綜合國 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

花開富貴平安福 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

虎嘯生風吟詠春 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

五福臨門 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

鯉魚躍龍門 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

祥獸獻瑞 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

花博璀璨 水岸玲瓏 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

八堵騰雲 活力千洋躍新年 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

#18 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#18 Term paper due

#17 Roundtable Discussion II - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#17 Roundtable Discussion II

#16 Translation and Cultural Politics - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#16 Translation and Cultural Politics
Graham Huggan, The Postcolonial Exotic

#15 Translation and Cultural Politics - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#15 Translation and Cultural Politics
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Death of A Discipline

#14 Minority Issues - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#14 Minority Issues
Michael Cronin, “The Cracked Looking Glass of Servants: Translation and
Minority Languages in a Global Age,” & Alexandra Jaffe, “Locating Power:
Corsican Translation and Their Critics” in Critical Readings in Translation
Studies Ed. Mona Baker

#13 Postcolonial Approach - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#13 Postcolonial Approach
Vincente L. Rafael, “Introduction” & “The Politics of Translation,” Contracting

#12 Postcolonial Approach - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#12 Postcolonial Approach
Tejaswini Niranjana, Siting Translation

#11 Deconstructionist View - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#11 Deconstructionist View
Jacques Derrida, “Des tour de Babel”, “What is a ‘Relevant’ Translation?”

#10 Roundtable Discussion I - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#10 Roundtable Discussion I

#9 Developing Chinese Translation Studies - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#9 Developing Chinese Translation Studies

#8 Historical Study - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#8 Historical Study
劉禾【跨語際實踐】(Lydia Liu, Translingual Practice)

#7 Historical Study - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#7 Historical Study

#6 Hermeneutic Approach - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#6 Hermeneutic Approach
Paul Ricoeur, On Interpretation, On Translation

#5 Anthony Pym, Exploring Translation Theories - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#5 Anthony Pym, Exploring Translation Theories

#4 An Overview of Translation Theories - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#4 An Overview of Translation Theories
Anthony Pym, Exploring Translation Theories

#3 Terry Eagleton, After Theory - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#3 Terry Eagleton, After Theory

#2 An Overview of Critical Theory - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#2 An Overview of Critical Theory
Terry Eagleton, Literary Theory: An Introduction, 2nd ed.

#1 Introduction - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#1 Introduction

Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

GITI, National Taiwan Normal University
Spring 2010 Room 1028


Instructor: Ken-fang Lee (李根芳)
Office Hours: by appointment
Tel: 0929303688

Course description: This course aims to investigate the issues that translation studies is concerned. It is predominantly theoretical, though examples from actual translation practice will be used.

Evaluation: class participation: 20%, presentation and assignments 30%, term paper 50%
Requirements: submit 500-word summary of weekly reading material every week

Baker, Mona. 2009. Critical Readings in Translation Studies. London: Routledge.
Bassnett, Susan. 1991. Translation Studies. London: Routledge.
Bassnett, Susan and André Lefevere. Eds. 1995. Translation, History and Culture. London: Cassell.
Gentzler, Edwin. 1993. Contemporary Translation Theories. London: Routledge.
Kuhiwczak, Piotr & Karin Littau. Eds. 2007. A Companion to Translation Studies. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Munday, Jeremy. 2001. Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications. London: Routledge.
-----. 2009. The Routledge Companion to Translation Studies. London: Routledge.
Pym, Anthony. 2009. Exploring Translation Theories. London: Routledge.
Venuti, Lawrence. Ed. 2004. The Translation Studies Reader. 2nd Ed. London: Routledge.

#18 Second Case Study Report - Introduction to Translation Studies

#18 Second Case Study Report

#17 ‘Border Crossings, Translating Theory: Ruth - Introduction to Translation Studies

#17 ‘Border Crossings, Translating Theory: Ruth by J. Hillis Miller in
Miller’s Topographies (單德興中譯〈跨越邊界:翻譯的旅行〉

#16 Munday, Ch.10 & Ch. 11 - Introduction to Translation Studies

#16 Munday, Ch.10 & Ch. 11.

#15 Excerpts from The Translator’s Invisibility - Introduction to Translation Studies

#15 Excerpts from The Translator’s Invisibility by L. Venuti: 1-42

#14 Munday, Ch. 9 - Introduction to Translation Studies

#14 Munday, Ch. 9.

#13 Munday, Ch. 8 - Introduction to Translation Studies

#13 Munday, Ch. 8, “Gender and Translation” by Luise von Flotow in Kuhiwczak
& Littau’s A Companion to Translation Studies (2007): 92-105.

#12 On Describing Translation - Introduction to Translation Studies

#12 On Describing Translation” by J. Lambert & H. van Gorp in Hermans’ The
Manipulation of Literature (1985): 42-53.

#11 Munday, Ch. 7 - Introduction to Translation Studies

#11 Munday, Ch. 7, ‘The Position of Translated Literature within the
Literary Polysystem’ by Itamar Even-Zohar in Venuti (2000): 192-97

#10 Munday, Ch. 6 - Introduction to Translation Studies

#10 Munday, Ch. 6; excerpts from Translation Quality Assessment by Juliane
House (1997).

#9 Skopos and Commission in Translation Action - Introduction to Translation Studies

#9 Skopos and Commission in Translation Action’ by Hans J. Vermeer in Venuti
(2000): 227-38.

#8 First Case Study Report - Introduction to Translation Studies

#8 First Case Study Report

#7 Munday, Ch. 5 - Introduction to Translation Studies

#7 Munday, Ch. 5; ‘Type, Kind and Individuality of Text: Decision Making in
Translation’ by Katharina Reiss in Venuti (2000): 168-79.

#6 Munday, Ch. 4 - Introduction to Translation Studies

#6 Munday, Ch. 4; ‘Translation Shifts’ by J. C. Catford in Venuti (2000):
141-7; ‘Translation as a Decision Process’ by Jiri Levy in Venuti
(2000): 148-59.

#5 “On the Implausibility of Equivalent Response” - Introduction to Translation Studies

#5 “On the Implausibility of Equivalent Response” by Chunshen Zhu in Meta 64.3 (1999): 429-47; 黃國彬〈破陣子,伏長蛇:談英語句法的漢譯〉 《語言與翻譯》台北:九歌,2001。

#4 Munday, Ch. 3 - Introduction to Translation Studies

#4 Munday, Ch. 3; ‘Principles of Correspondence’ by Eugene Nida in Venuti
(2000): 126-40.

#3 Munday, Ch. 2 - Introduction to Translation Studies

#3 Munday, Ch. 2; “The German Tradition” by Kittel, H. & A. Polterman in
M.Baker, Encyclopedia (1997): 418-28.

#2 Munday, Intro. & Ch. 1 - Introduction to Translation Studies

#2 Munday, Intro. & Ch. 1; ‘The Name and Nature of Translation
Studies by James S. Holms in Venuti (2000/2004): 180-192.

#1 Introduction - Introduction to Translation Studies

#1 Introduction

Introduction to Translation Studies

Spring 2010
Monday, 1-3pm Room 505

Introduction to Translation Studies(翻譯概論研究)

Instructor: Ken-fang Lee (李根芳)

Objective: This course is designed to provide an overview of translation studies as an academic discipline and investigate the issues that translation studies is concerned. It is predominantly theoretical, though examples from actual translation practice will be used. The primary aim of this course is not to produce competent practicing translators. But it is hoped that the theory will help students to be more critical of being a translator and understanding the task of translation.

Required Texts: Jeremy Munday, Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications and supplement reading materials.

Grading: class participation: 15%, presentation and summary 30%, case studies reports 30%, final report 25%

Summary: post a 300-word feedback/comments of the article the day before class on our on-line forum

*Two case studies reports by groups and one final report by individuals (4000 words in Chinese)

Baker, Mona. Ed. 1997. Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. London: Routledge. (上海外
-----. 2009. Critical Readings in Translation Studies. London: Routledge.
Bassnett, Susan. 1991. Translation Studies. London: Routledge.
Gentzler, Edwin. 1993. Contemporary Translation Theories. London: Routledge.
Kuhiwczak, Piotr & Karin Littau. Eds. 2007. A Companion to Translation Studies. Clevedon:
Multilingual Matters.
Munday, Jeremy. 2009. The Routledge Companion to Translation Studies. London: Routledge.
Pym, Anthony. 2009. Exploring Translation Theories. London: Routledge.
Shuttleworth, Mark & Moira Cowie. Eds. Dictionary of Translation Studies. Manchester: St. Jerome. (上海外語教育出版社)