12/30 台大地理系黃宗儀教授演講

時間:2010/12/30 p.m. 1:00-4:00
講者:台大地理系 黃宗儀教授

Feeling Bad in 2010:酷兒 情感 政治 國際論壇

本次國際論壇,邀請晚近情感政治及酷兒研究重要而具影響力的新秀學者Heather Love來台,從酷兒的文化政治、殘障污名與性污名等情感政治的重要研究領域,與台灣學界及運動界進行交流,希冀透過相互間的對話,再啟台灣在地相關研究及運動的嶄新意義。
Heather Love現任美國賓州大學英語系副教授,刻正於史丹佛人文學中心研究,研究及教學領域包括十九至二十世紀之交的英美文學、酷兒理論與性別研究, 女性主義理論,現代主義與現代性,精神分析與情感研究,社會學與文學,種族與族群,批判性的殘障研究,電影與視覺文化,批判理論等。
Heather Love 教授2007年在哈佛大學出版的重要著作Feeling Backward: Loss and the Politics of Queer History, 針對目前美國酷兒文化政治日益走向貌似光明燦爛、而遺忘或拋卻或必須納入積極面的黑暗過去,以及酷兒研究及運動面對「未來」的兩難性必要,提出重新「回 頭」看負面情感如羞辱、孤單等「黑暗面」的重要。該書探索了幾個十九世紀末到二十世紀初的文學文本,以刻意不忘記酷兒現代性憂鬱的姿態,對於酷兒研究文 學、歷史乃至於當前運動倫理,提出具有轉捩意義的思考,被譽為「酷兒研究的新浪潮」。
Heather Love目前正從事的新研究 “The Stigma Archive” 則不止聚焦於社會性相排斥,而將視野擴及於勾連種族、性別、殘障、階級與其他各種範疇的「污名」,將酷兒研究建立於社會邊緣性的大範疇上,此一新的視野的 提出,必然連帶及於個案研究、比較研究、文學、歷史與社會學等方法論層次的重新深入反思,對於酷兒研究及運動的未來都具有啟發性的洞見。
Heather Love教授已有部份作品中譯出版:〈壞毀的身分認同:史帝芬.高登的孤寂與酷兒歷史的艱難〉及〈拒絕的政治〉二文收錄於《憂鬱的文化政治》(台北:蜃樓,2010)。關於本次國際論壇亦可參考下列Heather Love教授已發表的相關著作:

.“Close but not Deep: Literary Ethics and the Descriptive Turn.” New Literary History (Fall 2010), 41(2). “New Sociologies of Literature,” eds. James English and Rita Felski. Forthcoming.
.“Gyn/Apology: Sarah Orne Jewett’s Spinster Aesthetic.” ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance (Winter 2009), 55(3-4), 305-334. “Come Again? New Approaches to Sexuality in Nineteenth-Century U.S. Literature,” eds. Christopher Castiglia and Christopher Looby.
. “ Compulsory Happiness and Queer Existence.” New Formations: A Journal of Culture/Theory/Politics (Summer 2006), 63, 52-64.“Happiness,” ed. Sara Ahmed.
. “Living (and Dying) in the Other.” Grey Room 24/Documenta 12, 16-25. “The Status of the Subject.”
. “Spectacular Failure: The Figure of the Lesbian in Mulholland Drive.” New Literary History (Winter 2004), 35(1), 117-132. “Rethinking Tragedy.” Reprint in Rita Felski (Ed.). (2008). Rethinking Tragedy. Johns Hopkins University Press.
.“Wedding Crashers.” Review essay. GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies (Winter 2007), 13(1), 125-139.


I. 12/16日週四上午10:10-13:00 新竹清華大學人社院A202演講廳
"On the Politics of Emotion: Feeling Backward, Feeling Bad"
This paper surveys the intersections between gender and sexuality studies and affect studies in recent scholarship. I discuss the significance of emotion in queer political reflection, and suggest that the focus on emotion, experience, and corporeality in this work can be understood as a queering of politics. I take up the recent debates in queer theory about the relative value of positive and negative emotion in analyses of queer existence, staged for instance in an exchange in the journal _PMLA_ on "The Anti-social Thesis in Queer Studies" and in recent books on queer optimism. I argue for the value of negative feeling in queer politics, suggesting that in an era of pride, gay marriage, and the commodification of gay life, bad feelings like shame, regret, and loneliness have both strategic value and historical significance.

II. 12/19日週日下午1:30-4:30 台北台灣師範大學綜合大樓509國際會議廳
"Backwardness and the Future of Queer Politics"
In this talk I will address the significance of negative affect in rethinking the form of contemporary politics. Drawing on my work in my book _Feeling Backward_, I will consider the ways that minor and bad affects -- depression, despair, shame, and longing -- might serve a role in the articulation of alternate forms of community and renewed visions of sociality. I argue that political organizing has tended to favor an extremely limited range of emotion -- primarily hope and anger -- and that we need find ways to mobilize the less heroic and more troubling feelings that underwrite contemporary life. I will address some conceptual attempts to think about the public role of emotion in recent years, and will talk through some examples of activist efforts that draw on negative feeling.

III. 12/21日週二上午10:00-13:00 桃園中央大學文學院一館 A304

"The Case for Comparison: Stigma Between Disability and Sexuality"
Recent activism and theory in the fields of disability and queer studies has focused on the concept of stigma, drawn from a sociological tradition (and particularly from the field of deviance studies). These fields have used the concept of stigma--meaning a discrediting of the subject in public--to draw attention to the social exclusion as well as shame and alienation that sexual outsiders and disabled people experience. The radical wing of each of these fields--queer studies and crip studies--have incorporated the concept of stigma into their self-understanding, choosing names that recall histories of injury. In this talk, I take up the question of comparison across different identity groups. Drawing on my recent research on the Canadian-American sociologist Erving Goffman (and his 1963 book, _Stigma: On the Management of Spoiled Identity_), I ask whether an abstract category like stigma can capture the significant differences of history, experience, and embodiment across social groups. While recent work in queer studies, disability studies, critical race studies, and cultural studies more generally has tended to focus on the local and the specific--offering critiques, for instance, of the "limits of analogy" and of "like race" arguments--I argue that comparison is an indispensable concept for thinking about social exclusion and a valuable resource for coalitional politics.




[淡江大學英文系專題演講]:11/26(週五) Mary Layoun 教授 (U of Wisconsin-Madison)

雷蘊教授(Professor Mary Layoun)現為威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校比較文學系系主任。她除了文學文化研究上的鑽研之外,深植校園與當地社區的公民教育與女性主義運動,並數度出任通識教育委員會、校外公民養成基礎教育委員會,以及多文化學生中心的特約諮詢顧問等要職,可視為深耕社群、推動社會改革的有機知識份子 (organic intellectual) 之典範。本次來台,在淡江大學的這場演講,將探討當今全球化情境中國際政治、經濟面向、多元文化主義多重影響衝擊下的人文/文學危機,以比較文學、文學與社會文本、以及跨媒介的角度來審視「文學何用?」、「文學所學何事?」等議題,作出深入淺出的剖析。

"Globalization and the Comparative: Learning from Literature?"

地點:淡江大學外語大樓 FL 204


Nida School of Translation Studies - 2011 Brochure

倫敦大學巴斯卡(Roy Bhaskar)教授將於「理論的饗宴:當代社會文化理論研討會」發表專題演講

倫敦大學教授、當代批判實在論 (critical realism, scientific realism) 的創始人巴斯卡 (Roy Bhaskar) 將在11月12,13日蒞臨中央研究院歐美研究所,參加「理論的饗宴:當代社會文化理論研討會」並發表演講 "Critical Realism, Social Theory and Critical Theory" 以及評論。欲參加者請於10月初自歐美所網頁 ( 下載報名表。如有任何問題,請與張小姐 ( 聯繫。

Call for papers: East Anglis, UK

Call for papers: Cross-Cultural Pragmatics at a Crossroads II: Linguistic and Cultural Representations across Media
Wednesday 29 June-Friday 1 July 2011, University of East Anglia, Norwich UK,

Plenary speakers:
Juliane House (Hamburg University, Germany)
Gunther Kress (University of London. UK)
Michel Marcoccia (Troyes University of Technology, France)
Jeremy Munday (University of Leeds, UK)
Luis Pérez-González (University of Manchester, UK)
Miranda Stewart (Hellenic American University, Athens, Greece)

Registration information now available
Abstracts to 2011 by 15 Nov 2010 (see call for paper below)

This conference is the second in a series launched in 2006 with “Cross-cultural Pragmatics at a Crossroads: Speech Frames and Cultural Perceptions” at the University of East Anglia, and the fourth in a sequence of related events including “Les enjeux de la communication interculturelle” in Montpellier (France) (Université Paul Valéry) in 2007 and “Cross-culturally speaking, speaking cross-culturally” in Sydney (Australia) in 2009 (Macquarie University). Like its 2006 forerunner, this second event will be interdisciplinary. It aims to bring together, under the umbrella of cross-cultural pragmatics, researchers from domains which are particularly sensitive to cross-cultural issues, to promote the cross-fertilization of ideas and theoretical approaches, and explore key concerns associated with communication across language and culture boundaries.

The theme of this second conference is ‘Linguistic and Cultural Representations across Media’, understood broadly as relating to the cross-over of language, mediation activities and media in a multilingual framework. It is intended to encompass communication and information flows in a range of contexts (e.g. the press, television and computer games, cinema, the theatre, museums, and the world wide web or other information channels); and to explore a range of activities central to the sharing of information and knowledge across languages and cultures in a global context: news transfer,multimedia and screen translation (e.g. subtitling, dubbing, etc.), stage translation and adaptation, the provision of multilingual information (e.g. in museums, trade fairs, etc.).

Questions that the conference will aim to explore across media under the theme of linguistic and cultural representations include:
--Representations and the perpetuation of cultural a-priori and/or conflict
--Representations as a vehicle promoting cross-cultural and cross-linguistic sensitivity
--Representations as a locus for (re)-negotiations of individual and group identities
--Representations as agents of hybridization of communicative practices
--Responses to representations
--Shifts in response paradigms
Research papers focusing on the little explored domain of audience reception will be particularly welcome.

The general framework for the conference will be provided by plenary papers delivered by distinguished scholars representing different languages and complementary perspectives: intercultural communication, cross-cultural pragmatics, discourse studies (including media discourse), translation studies (including screen translation and theatre adaptation), with application to English as a lingua franca, French, German, Spanish inter alia. The conference will focus principally, but not exclusively, on European languages, still unevenly represented in cross-cultural pragmatics. It will, by virtue of its themes and of the inbuilt interdisciplinarity of cross-cultural pragmatics generally, be informed by different methodological paradigms (e.g. CA, interactional discourse analysis, discourse analysis, cross- and intercultural pragmatics, politeness theory, psycholinguistics). Proposals, for individual papers (20 minutes) or proposer-led panels on a particular theme (90 to 150 minutes), will be expected clearly to identify their theoretical frame(s) of reference and methodological approach.

Abstract deadline: 15 November 2010
Language: English, French or Spanish
Proposal: 300-word anonymous abstract (600 words for panels) to be submitted through the Linguist List at 2011

For questions, please contact Valerie Henitiuk at

# 17 Jan 5 - Studies on Translation Theories

#17 Christina Schaffner, Translation in the Global Village. ed. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 2000.

# 18 Jan 12 - Studies on Translation Theories

#18 Deconstruction and Translation Walter Benjamin, ‘The Task of the Translator’, Jacques Derrida ‘Des Tours de Babel’ in Difference in Translation (1985): 165-208. Term paper due

# 16 Dec 29 - Studies on Translation Theories

#16 Cultural Studies Venuti “Bestseller” in The Scandals of Translation;
李根芳,〈台灣兩性關係暢銷書的翻譯與性別再現〉《廣譯》No. 3 (Jan 2010): 21-42。

# 15 Dec 22 - Studies on Translation Theories

#15 朱惠足《「現代」的移植與翻譯:日治時期台灣小說的後殖民思考》

# 14 Dec 15 - Studies on Translation Theories

#14 Heather Love’s talk (日期未定)

# 13 Dec 8 - Studies on Translation Theories

#13 Contexts and Texts 單德興 《翻譯與脈絡》

# 12 Dec 1 - Studies on Translation Theories

#12 History and Theory 孔慧怡〈中國翻譯傳統的幾個特徵〉《亞洲翻譯傳統與現代動向》(2000): 15-37;《重寫中國翻譯史》。

# 11 Nov 24 - Studies on Translation Theories

#11 Manipulation School excerpts from André Lefevere’s Translation, Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literary Fame (1992). ‘Paradoxes and Aporias in Translation and Translation Studies’ Theo Hermans in Riccardi (2002): 10-23.

# 10 Nov 17 - Studies on Translation Theories

#10 Forum for term-paper proposals

# 9 Nov 10 - Studies on Translation Theories

#9 Christian Nord’s Talk(s)
**proposal submission: one page in length with a working title, brief description of your topic, methodology, and bibliography

# 8 Nov 3 - Studies on Translation Theories

#8 Communication Model excerpts from Basil Hatim and Ian Mason’s The Translator as Communicator (1997): 14-35; 127-142.

# 7 Oct 27 - Studies on Translation Theories

#7 Peter Fawcett, Translation and Language. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997. Chap. 10-12 & Conclusion

# 6 Oct 20 - Studies on Translation Theories

#6 Peter Fawcett, Translation and Language. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997. Chap. 7-9

# 5 Oct 13 - Studies on Translation Theories

#5 Peter Fawcett, Translation and Language. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997. Chap. 4-6

# 4 Oct 6 - Studies on Translation Theories

#4 Film Screening*

# 3 Sept 22 - Studies on Translation Theories

#3 Linguistic Approaches Peter Fawcett, Translation and Language: Linguistic Theories Explained. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997. Intro. & Chap. 1-3

# 2 Sept 22 - Studies on Translation Theories

#2 中秋節放假

# 1 Sept 15 - Studies on Translation Theories

#1 What Is Translation? Roman Jakobson ‘On Linguistic Aspects of Translation’ & James S. Holms, ‘The Name and Nature of Translation Studies’ in Venuti ed. (2004): 113-18; 180-92

Studies on Translation Theories

Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
National Taiwan Normal University
Fall 2010
Wednesday, 1-4pm, Room 505

Studies on Translation Theories(翻譯學理論研究)

Instructor: Ken-fang Lee
Office Hours: 10am-12pm Wednesday or by appointment
Required Texts: The required reading for each class will be compiled in one course pack

Grading: class participation: 20%, pre-course comments/feedback and presentation 30%, term paper 50%

Requirements: submit a 300-word comments and/or feedback of the article onto our on-line forum

Term Paper: This course requires a research paper, 15 pages in length (roughly 8,000 words in English or 15,000 words in Chinese), typed with footnotes and a bibliography using the MLA style. Submit TWO typed copies, the original and a photocopy. The original will be returned with comments; the copy will be retained by the instructor. If only one copy of your paper is received, it will be graded but not returned.

Baker, Mona. Ed. 1997. Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. London: Routledge. (上海外語教育出版社)
Bassnett, Susan. 1991. Translation Studies. London: Routledge.
Bassnett, Susan and André Lefevere. Eds. 1995. Translation, History and Culture. London: Cassell.
Gentzler, Edwin. 1993. Contemporary Translation Theories. London: Routledge.
Kuhiwczak, Piotr & Karin Littau. Eds. 2007. A Companion to Translation Studies. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Munday, Jeremy. 2001. Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications. London: Routledge.
Riccardi, Alessandra. 2002. Translation Studies: Perspectives on an Emerging Discipline. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
Shuttleworth, Mark & Moira Cowie. 2004. Eds. Dictionary of Translation Studies. Manchester: St. Jerome. (上海外語教育出版社)
Venuti, Lawrence. Ed. 2004. The Translation Studies Reader. 2nd. Ed. London: Routledge.

# 18 Jan 13 - Translation and Globalization

#18 Wrap-up, term paper due

# 17 Jan 6 - Translation and Globalization

#17 Research project presentation

這週四是我們最後一次上課,我們改在 Cafe Bastille 上課。

地點:Cafe Bastille
電話:(02) 2369-9728


# 16 Dec 30 - Translation and Globalization

#16 台大地理系黃宗儀教授演講。

# 15 Dec 23 - Translation and Globalization

#15 Don Slater, “Consumption versus Culture”, in Consumer Culture and Modernity. Cambridge: Polity, 1997.

# 14 Dec 16 - Translation and Globalization

#14 Andrew Jones’ talk

# 13 Dec 9 - Translation and Globalization

#13 Anthony Pym, “Globalization and the Politics of Translation Studies”, Meta 51/4, 2006. 744-757.

# 12 Dec 2 - Translation and Globalization

#12 Translation in the Global Village ed. Christina Schäffner, Vlevedon: Multilingual Matters, 2000.

#11 Nov 25 - Translation and Globalization

#11 Johan Heilbron, “Towards A Sociology of Translation: Book Translations as A Cultural World System” in Critical Readings in Translation Studies, ed. Mona Baker, London: Routledge, 2010.
李根芳,2010。〈台灣兩性關係暢銷書的翻譯與性別再現〉《廣譯》No. 3 (Jan): 21-42。

# 10 Nov 18 - Translation and Globalization

#10 “Technologies of Post-human development and the Potential for Global Citizenship” in Globalization: Critical Concepts in Sociology, vol. III, pp. 226-246.

# 9 Nov 11 - Translation and Globalization

#9 Christian Nord’s talk

# 8 Nov 4 - Translation and Globalization

#8 individual proposal discussion

# 7 Oct 28 - Translation and Globalization

#7 The Local/Global Dilemma “Globalisation or glocalisation?” Roland Robertson in Globalization: Critical Concepts in Sociology, vol. III, pp. 31-51.
**proposal submission: one page in length with a working title, brief description of your topic, methodology, and bibliography

# 6 Oct 21 - Translation and Globalization

#6 “’Globalization,’ Culture, and the University” Masao Miyoshi in The Cultures of Globalization, Eds. Fredric Jameson & Masao Miyoshi, Durham: Duke UP, 1998. 247-270.

# 5 Oct 14 - Translation and Globalization

#5 “How sushi went global,” Theordore C. Bestor & “McDonald’s in Hong Kong,” James L. Watson in The Globalization Reader, pp. 121-5, 126-134.

# 4 Oct 7 - Translation and Globalization

#4 Film screening, “The World Is Flat”

# 3 Sept 30 - Translation and Globalization

#3 “Disjuncture and difference in the global cultural economy,” in Globalization: Critical Concepts in Sociology, vol. I, pp. 251-264.

# 2 Sept 23 - Translation and Globalization

#2 “The discourse of cultural imperialism,” John Tomlinson in Globalization: Critical Concepts in Sociology, vol. IV, pp. 85-118.

# 1 Sept 16 -Translation and Globalization

#1 Introduction: “Globalization: An Overview,” Roland Robertson and Kathleen E. White in Globalization: Critical Concepts in Sociology, vol. I, pp. 1-44.

Translation and Globalization

Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
National Taiwan Normal University

Translation and Globalization(翻譯與全球化)

Instructor: Ken-fang Lee (李根芳)
Office Hours: 10am-12pm Wednesday or by appointment
Required Texts: The required reading for each class will be compiled in one course pack

Grading: class participation: 20%, pre-course comments/feedback and presentation 30%, term paper 50%

Requirements: submit a 300-word comments and/or feedback of the article we read in each class

Term Paper: This course requires a research paper, 8-10 pages in length (roughly 5000 words in English or 8000 words in Chinese), typed with footnotes and a bibliography using the MLA style. Submit TWO typed copies, the original and a photocopy. The original will be returned with comments; the copy will be retained by the instructor. If only one copy of your paper is received, it will be graded but not returned.

Appadurai, Arjun. 1996. Modernity at Large. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P.
Bauman, Zygmunt. 1998. Globalization: The Human Consequences. NY: Columbia UP.
Cronin, Michael. 2003. Translation and Globalization. London: Routledge.
Lechner, Frank J. & John Boli. Eds. 2008. The Globalization Reader. 3rd Ed. London: Blackwell.
Robertson, Roland & Kathleen E. White. Eds. 2003. Globalization: Critical Concepts in Sociology, vol. I-VI. London: Routledge.

國運昌隆慶虎年 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

花漾台北 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

虎彩繽紛樂 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

一牛復始 萬虎更新 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

2010鋼彈花博祭 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

蝶飛蜂舞 花香人間 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

如虎添翼 事事如意 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

「虎」福臨門,春暖花開 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

揚旗鼓虎 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

群虎弄花 慶佳節 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

承先啟後 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

虎年同慶 迎花博 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

花花綜合國 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

花開富貴平安福 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

虎嘯生風吟詠春 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

五福臨門 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

鯉魚躍龍門 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

祥獸獻瑞 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

花博璀璨 水岸玲瓏 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

八堵騰雲 活力千洋躍新年 - 2010台北燈節中英標題

#18 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#18 Term paper due

#17 Roundtable Discussion II - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#17 Roundtable Discussion II

#16 Translation and Cultural Politics - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#16 Translation and Cultural Politics
Graham Huggan, The Postcolonial Exotic

#15 Translation and Cultural Politics - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#15 Translation and Cultural Politics
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Death of A Discipline

#14 Minority Issues - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#14 Minority Issues
Michael Cronin, “The Cracked Looking Glass of Servants: Translation and
Minority Languages in a Global Age,” & Alexandra Jaffe, “Locating Power:
Corsican Translation and Their Critics” in Critical Readings in Translation
Studies Ed. Mona Baker

#13 Postcolonial Approach - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#13 Postcolonial Approach
Vincente L. Rafael, “Introduction” & “The Politics of Translation,” Contracting

#12 Postcolonial Approach - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#12 Postcolonial Approach
Tejaswini Niranjana, Siting Translation

#11 Deconstructionist View - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#11 Deconstructionist View
Jacques Derrida, “Des tour de Babel”, “What is a ‘Relevant’ Translation?”

#10 Roundtable Discussion I - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#10 Roundtable Discussion I

#9 Developing Chinese Translation Studies - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#9 Developing Chinese Translation Studies

#8 Historical Study - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#8 Historical Study
劉禾【跨語際實踐】(Lydia Liu, Translingual Practice)

#7 Historical Study - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#7 Historical Study

#6 Hermeneutic Approach - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#6 Hermeneutic Approach
Paul Ricoeur, On Interpretation, On Translation

#5 Anthony Pym, Exploring Translation Theories - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#5 Anthony Pym, Exploring Translation Theories

#4 An Overview of Translation Theories - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#4 An Overview of Translation Theories
Anthony Pym, Exploring Translation Theories

#3 Terry Eagleton, After Theory - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#3 Terry Eagleton, After Theory

#2 An Overview of Critical Theory - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#2 An Overview of Critical Theory
Terry Eagleton, Literary Theory: An Introduction, 2nd ed.

#1 Introduction - Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

#1 Introduction

Spring 2010 - 筆譯研究方法專論

GITI, National Taiwan Normal University
Spring 2010 Room 1028


Instructor: Ken-fang Lee (李根芳)
Office Hours: by appointment
Tel: 0929303688

Course description: This course aims to investigate the issues that translation studies is concerned. It is predominantly theoretical, though examples from actual translation practice will be used.

Evaluation: class participation: 20%, presentation and assignments 30%, term paper 50%
Requirements: submit 500-word summary of weekly reading material every week

Baker, Mona. 2009. Critical Readings in Translation Studies. London: Routledge.
Bassnett, Susan. 1991. Translation Studies. London: Routledge.
Bassnett, Susan and André Lefevere. Eds. 1995. Translation, History and Culture. London: Cassell.
Gentzler, Edwin. 1993. Contemporary Translation Theories. London: Routledge.
Kuhiwczak, Piotr & Karin Littau. Eds. 2007. A Companion to Translation Studies. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Munday, Jeremy. 2001. Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications. London: Routledge.
-----. 2009. The Routledge Companion to Translation Studies. London: Routledge.
Pym, Anthony. 2009. Exploring Translation Theories. London: Routledge.
Venuti, Lawrence. Ed. 2004. The Translation Studies Reader. 2nd Ed. London: Routledge.

#18 Second Case Study Report - Introduction to Translation Studies

#18 Second Case Study Report

#17 ‘Border Crossings, Translating Theory: Ruth - Introduction to Translation Studies

#17 ‘Border Crossings, Translating Theory: Ruth by J. Hillis Miller in
Miller’s Topographies (單德興中譯〈跨越邊界:翻譯的旅行〉

#16 Munday, Ch.10 & Ch. 11 - Introduction to Translation Studies

#16 Munday, Ch.10 & Ch. 11.

#15 Excerpts from The Translator’s Invisibility - Introduction to Translation Studies

#15 Excerpts from The Translator’s Invisibility by L. Venuti: 1-42

#14 Munday, Ch. 9 - Introduction to Translation Studies

#14 Munday, Ch. 9.

#13 Munday, Ch. 8 - Introduction to Translation Studies

#13 Munday, Ch. 8, “Gender and Translation” by Luise von Flotow in Kuhiwczak
& Littau’s A Companion to Translation Studies (2007): 92-105.

#12 On Describing Translation - Introduction to Translation Studies

#12 On Describing Translation” by J. Lambert & H. van Gorp in Hermans’ The
Manipulation of Literature (1985): 42-53.

#11 Munday, Ch. 7 - Introduction to Translation Studies

#11 Munday, Ch. 7, ‘The Position of Translated Literature within the
Literary Polysystem’ by Itamar Even-Zohar in Venuti (2000): 192-97

#10 Munday, Ch. 6 - Introduction to Translation Studies

#10 Munday, Ch. 6; excerpts from Translation Quality Assessment by Juliane
House (1997).

#9 Skopos and Commission in Translation Action - Introduction to Translation Studies

#9 Skopos and Commission in Translation Action’ by Hans J. Vermeer in Venuti
(2000): 227-38.

#8 First Case Study Report - Introduction to Translation Studies

#8 First Case Study Report

#7 Munday, Ch. 5 - Introduction to Translation Studies

#7 Munday, Ch. 5; ‘Type, Kind and Individuality of Text: Decision Making in
Translation’ by Katharina Reiss in Venuti (2000): 168-79.

#6 Munday, Ch. 4 - Introduction to Translation Studies

#6 Munday, Ch. 4; ‘Translation Shifts’ by J. C. Catford in Venuti (2000):
141-7; ‘Translation as a Decision Process’ by Jiri Levy in Venuti
(2000): 148-59.

#5 “On the Implausibility of Equivalent Response” - Introduction to Translation Studies

#5 “On the Implausibility of Equivalent Response” by Chunshen Zhu in Meta 64.3 (1999): 429-47; 黃國彬〈破陣子,伏長蛇:談英語句法的漢譯〉 《語言與翻譯》台北:九歌,2001。

#4 Munday, Ch. 3 - Introduction to Translation Studies

#4 Munday, Ch. 3; ‘Principles of Correspondence’ by Eugene Nida in Venuti
(2000): 126-40.

#3 Munday, Ch. 2 - Introduction to Translation Studies

#3 Munday, Ch. 2; “The German Tradition” by Kittel, H. & A. Polterman in
M.Baker, Encyclopedia (1997): 418-28.

#2 Munday, Intro. & Ch. 1 - Introduction to Translation Studies

#2 Munday, Intro. & Ch. 1; ‘The Name and Nature of Translation
Studies by James S. Holms in Venuti (2000/2004): 180-192.

#1 Introduction - Introduction to Translation Studies

#1 Introduction

Introduction to Translation Studies

Spring 2010
Monday, 1-3pm Room 505

Introduction to Translation Studies(翻譯概論研究)

Instructor: Ken-fang Lee (李根芳)

Objective: This course is designed to provide an overview of translation studies as an academic discipline and investigate the issues that translation studies is concerned. It is predominantly theoretical, though examples from actual translation practice will be used. The primary aim of this course is not to produce competent practicing translators. But it is hoped that the theory will help students to be more critical of being a translator and understanding the task of translation.

Required Texts: Jeremy Munday, Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications and supplement reading materials.

Grading: class participation: 15%, presentation and summary 30%, case studies reports 30%, final report 25%

Summary: post a 300-word feedback/comments of the article the day before class on our on-line forum

*Two case studies reports by groups and one final report by individuals (4000 words in Chinese)

Baker, Mona. Ed. 1997. Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. London: Routledge. (上海外
-----. 2009. Critical Readings in Translation Studies. London: Routledge.
Bassnett, Susan. 1991. Translation Studies. London: Routledge.
Gentzler, Edwin. 1993. Contemporary Translation Theories. London: Routledge.
Kuhiwczak, Piotr & Karin Littau. Eds. 2007. A Companion to Translation Studies. Clevedon:
Multilingual Matters.
Munday, Jeremy. 2009. The Routledge Companion to Translation Studies. London: Routledge.
Pym, Anthony. 2009. Exploring Translation Theories. London: Routledge.
Shuttleworth, Mark & Moira Cowie. Eds. Dictionary of Translation Studies. Manchester: St. Jerome. (上海外語教育出版社)